
Our Mission


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 Gratitude in Action


At GIA, our Mission is to promote recovery and sober living by creating a community that empowers men and women with the opportunity to become self-supporting.

Our Vision is that everyone ready to commit to sober living will have support for their journey.

At GIA, our mission is crystal clear: we're dedicated to fostering recovery and sober living, providing individuals a chance to achieve self-sufficiency. We firmly believe that financial constraints shouldn't stand in the way of anyone seeking a safe place to recover. Our community embodies hope and resilience, guiding individuals through chronic addiction, homelessness, and incarceration.

The impressive success rate of our sober living residents (far surpassing the standard 3-5%) speaks volumes about our unique approach, which centers around community. The transformative power of one person sharing their recovery journey with another has proven to be a powerful force for change.

In May 2021, we launched GIA Prosper, a program designed to empower low-income individuals in recovery. It focuses on four key elements: Prosper Life, Work, Home, and Health. With your support, we aim to equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to thrive independently.

We're thrilled about the ongoing impact we can make with your support. Each individual we guide on their journey to recovery and self-sufficiency is a testament to the strength of our community.

A heartfelt thank you to our community supporters. Your unwavering support has enabled us to touch countless lives, providing hope, dignity, and the opportunity for a better future.

Together, we're making a difference—one life at a time. At GIA, our mission is to promote recovery and sober living by creating a community that empowers men and women with the opportunity to become self-supporting.

Our vision is that everyone ready to commit to sober living will have support for their journey.

The GIA store supports and funds Ignatia’s House, committed to providing a safe, well-structured living environment as an effective transition program from active alcoholism and chemical dependency. We offer a place to feel human again, establish a disciplined life, regain and maintain a strong program of sobriety and recovery, all while experiencing the relational support necessary to sustain a sober existence.


 Shop to Support Sober Living



Thrift Store

10 S 30th St, Billings, MT 59101

Main Office

1234 Ave C, Billings, MT 59102


Monday- Saturday 10am-5:00pm

Donation Receiving 10am-3:00pm


Office (406) 696-8704

Store (406)-694-2894

Sober Living (406)694-5401



Richard & Terri Todd’s Goal

Our mission is to ensure that everyone, regardless of financial constraints, has access to a safe haven for recovery. At Ignatia’s House, we've transformed over 3500 lives, offering a beacon of hope to those in despair. Our success stems from the willingness of individuals to break free from destructive patterns, even amidst the anguish of incarceration, homelessness, and fractured relationships.

Our residents hail from diverse backgrounds, facing a myriad of challenges including substance abuse, homelessness, and legal troubles. Many lack essential identification for employment and possess limited education or marketable skills. However, through our program, they gain the tools to become employable and are connected with vital community resources such as job training, counseling, and educational support.

We're not just offering a handout; we're providing a lifeline for individuals to rise above their circumstances. Recovery thrives through shared experiences and peer support, where one addict's journey of transformation inspires another. At Ignatia’s House, we're not just changing lives; we're igniting hope and fostering a community where recovery is possible for all. 


 Gratitude in Action Store

At the GIA thrift store, our aim is simple yet profound: to uplift our community by offering affordable shopping options while extending a helping hand to those in need. Our shelves are stocked with a diverse array of high-quality, gently used items, ranging from clothing and furniture to home decor and books.

Beyond providing budget-friendly shopping experiences, we're dedicated to offering a pathway out of hardship for individuals in early recovery from homelessness. Through access to clothing and job skill development, we empower them to build a brighter future.

Embracing the ethos of rescue, reclaim, and recover, we prioritize sustainability by repurposing items whenever possible. As a community, we're blessed with abundant resources, and it's our commitment to be conscientious stewards of these blessings. Together, we're making a positive impact, one step at a time.

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